7 fat burning circuits for those short on time but still want to get an effective workout in. Stack House Gym has put together 7 different fun fat burning circuits that you can easily fit in to your busy day. Give these a try and share your results with us on Facebook, Instagram or email.
You will work for 30 seconds and take 10 seconds rest. You must aim to get 15 to 20 repetitions in within the 30 seconds of work. Depending on how much time you have, you can do the workout once, or repeat the whole series numerous times to create a more demanding and longer workout. I.e. if you repeat the series 4 times you will have had a 28 minute workout.
12 exercises, work for 30 seconds on each one before moving on to the next exercise. Complete all 12 exercises in order to have completed one series. Repeat the series after a short rest for a more challenging workout.
1. Star jumps / jumping jacks
2. Wall sit
3. Push-up
4. Abdominal crunch
5. Step-up onto chair
6. Squat
7. Triceps dip on chair
8. Plank
9. High knees
10. Alternate Lunge
11. Push-up and rotation
12. Plank
6 exercises, work for 30 seconds on each before moving on to the next exercise. You will work through the exercises in this sequence twice round in order to complete the series once. I.e after you complete exercise 6, you will move onto exercise 1 again. Take a short break after each series and repeat as many times as you like!
1. Burpees
2. Star jumps / Jumping jacks
3. High knees
4. Inch Worm
5. Squat Jumps
6. Plank Shoulder Taps
6 exercises, work for 30 seconds on each before moving on to the next exercise. You will work through the exercises in this sequence twice round in order to complete the series once. I.e after you complete exercise 6, you will move onto exercise 1 again. Take a short break after each series and repeat as many times as you like!
1. Squats
2. Glute Bridge
3. Alternate Lunges
4. Squat Jumps
5. Incline alt Lunges
6. Squat Pulse
6 exercises, work for 30 seconds on each before moving on to the next exercise. You will work through the exercises in this sequence twice round in order to complete the series once. I.e after you complete exercise 6, you will move onto exercise 1 again. Take a short break after each series and repeat as many times as you like!
1. Push Ups
2. Shoulder push ups
3. Bent over row, slow tempo
4. Chair Dips
5. Table Bicep Hold
6. Plank shoulder taps
12 exercises, work for 30 seconds on each one before moving on to the next exercise. Complete all 12 exercises in order to have completed one series. Repeat the series after a short rest for a more challenging workout.
1. Reverse Alternate Lunge
2. Side Plank – Left
3. Push-up into Burpee
4. Side Plank – Right
5. Step-up onto chair – Left
6. Single Leg Romanian deadlift – Left
7. Step-up onto chair – Right
8. Single Leg Romanian deadlift- Right
9. High knees
10. Chair Dips
11. Lateral Lunge both sides
12. Plank
6 exercises, work for 30 seconds on each before moving on to the next exercise. You will work through the exercises in this sequence twice round in order to complete the series once. I.e after you complete exercise 6, you will move onto exercise 1 again. Take a short break after each series and repeat as many times as you like!
1. High Knees
2. Burpees
3. Plank Jacks
4. Jack Knife
5. Squat Jump
6. Plank with alt Leg lift
6 exercises, work for 30 seconds on each before moving on to the next exercise. You will work through the exercises in this sequence twice round in order to complete the series once. I.e after you complete exercise 6, you will move onto exercise 1 again. Take a short break after each series and repeat as many times as you like!
1. Inch Worm
2. Burpees
3. Push ups
4. Plank shoulder taps
5. Squat Jump